Current Podcast

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Blogger's Rant (Happy Holidays to all of my Readers)

First I want to start with thanking all of my readers/listeners for giving me a great first month (really three weeks but who's counting). As I look back in how much has happen in the last month and I can't help but wonder are things going to get better for us in the gay community. We started November with one of our own trying to defend himself from gay bashing and in the process landed himself in jail. In the same month the Vatican has declared a full out war on gay priests. Then to top it all off a transgender person get wrongly accused and targeted for a crime she claims she didn't commit.
Then I saw something that made me realize that we don't have it so bad. I was walking down the street and I saw a gay couple walking holding hands down the street and no one seem to care. Then to my amazement they kissed in plain daylight. Not a little kiss but a full blown kiss. There were no stares (except for me), no one calling them fag, and no gay bashing. In the same day I was watching Made on MTV (yes I still watch MTV) and I saw how a boys soccer team embraced their new player and told him that they accepted him the way he is. This made me think. For the most part we as a gay community have it pretty good. Yes we still don't have the same rights as straight people do but we fail to realize that it took blacks a few hundred years to reach what we have. I know that there is gay bashing and discrimination out there but if we can change the mind of the youth we can accomplish anything. Isn't the youth the future of this nation? Who care if those old fags don't accept us they will be dead in a few years anyway (kidding).

J. Manuel

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